Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cuppy Cakes

Who doesn’t love a delish cupcake?
If you don’t, then we might not be able to be friends any longer.
Just kidding, kinda.
Seriously, whoever came up with the idea of a cupcake, in my opinion is a genius.

I know you aren’t dumb, but I love them because they are miniature cakes, which automatically make them cute.
AND I don’t have to worry about cutting a cake.
I’m not sure about you but I hate when I ruin a pretty cake by cutting it and then it falling apart and cake crumbs getting on the top layer of icing.
It’s just not pretty anymore.
O-well, I digress.

As most of you know, World Changers came to Franklin the end of July.
The summer staff, who consisted of 4 fantastic college students w/ a heart for God, quickly became my new friends.

The summer staff had spent their entire summer together, traveling across the US, sleeping in schools/churches on air mattresses, eating cafeteria food, and getting little to no sleep.
I know how it is to be away from home and just long for something to give you a little comfort until you can be back in your own surroundings.

Being that I’m not the greatest at cooking (I’ll leave that to the moms out there who know how to make the ultimate comfort foods); I do have a knack for baking.

I asked the staffers for their favorite cake and icing.
Then I headed for Ingles where I picked up the ingredients.
(BTW – they were from a box….sorry. I am working on this….)

I prepared Funfetti cupcakes with Funfetti icing and batch of Strawberry cupcakes with Cream Cheese icing.

I will say, I tasted one of each and OH.MY.GOODNDESS.
I do believe that, hands down, they were the best made-from-a-box cupcake I had ever put in my mouth.

Too my delight, the staffers thought so as well.
Strawberry Cupcakes with Creamcheese Icing

Funfetti with Funfetti Icing

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